Since its establishment, the company tried to design works to be put also into practice, so that the entire process from the first discussion with a client until the inauguration of the space to be followed, a friendly relation with that beneficiary usually remaining for years. "PERFECTION OF DETALIS" was from the beginning the motto of our activity, a principle that put into practice ensured the quality of the works and finally strengthened the company, becoming a brand that is assimilated with a superior quality of the job well done.
The area of ​​company’s activity has expanded throughout the entire country, thanks to the numerous participations in the specialized fairs both in the county exhibition centers and especially at Romexpo in Bucharest, where between 2001-2016 we were present even eight times per year.
Participation in fairs, discussions with hundreds of visitors and, last but not least, the numerous interviews given to national televisions contributed in a guaranteed way to the consolidation of the leading position of the AXIS Grup brand, to the the experience gained in parallel with raising expectations of the clients that wanted genuine wrought iron works.
This national recognition became international in the year 1998, when we enriched the field of activity, reviving an almost lost craft. We made the foundations of a metal fabrication workshop which, in the first stage, ensures our needs for the "turnkey" designs. During this period, we initiated and hosted in our own workshop, in collaboration with the Sibiu Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Chamber of Craftsmen of Maintz - Germany, courses in traditional steel works by hot processing. This activity is called wrought iron or arts blacksmithing. Many difficulties inherent in starting from scratch had to be overcome, as this craft was lost and all employees of the department had to adapt on the fly, executing the projects contracted by the company in parallel with learning new skills needed to meet the projected requirements.
Promoting this new concept, which we were putting into practice in our own workshop, we turned it into a generally valid theory that we wanted to spread among civil society. In other words, we were culturally preparing the social partner, so that the new product could be assimilated and, especially, appreciated by as many beneficiaries as possible.
We took advantage of the experience gained with the first television shows that motivated us to continue to finance, produce and moderate other live shows. We decided to give other title to the shows with the change of their profile from the promotion of modern materials and methods to achieve interior design and we considered that we need to specialize and change the mentality of those who could become our customers. Thus, were born the two cycles of shows, this time called "MAN AND HIS LIVING SPACE - attitudes and morals", the first of 19 weekly episodes on the local station of ANTENA 1, followed in 2004 - 2005 by a series of 9 episodes on TV 9 SIBIU, made this time in partnership with the German GTZ Consulting Center for the Historic Area.
The company AXIS Grup over time has become, through its achievements from designing to execution, a national standard in this complex sector of activity. The unique pieces designed and executed under the careful supervision of the architect Mircea ȚIBULEAC, came to be installed in countries such as France, Switzerland, Germany and Austria.
The works made under the AXIS GRUP brand are found in most important objectives in the Historic Area of ​​Sibiu such as: Roman Catholic Church, Greek Catholic Church, Chapel of the Cross, Great Square - Historic Fountain, Stairs Passage, Fellmongers' Tower, Gheorghe Lazar College, etc.
The AXIS GRUP brand was used in the period 1994-2012 by the company with the same name AXIS Grup, then in the period 2012-2016 by the company AXIS Laminate. From 2016 till now, the company AXIS GRUP DESIGN continues to use it, keeping unchanged the object of activity and, especially, the principles that have defined it since the registration. The motto "PERFECTION OF DETAILS" defines the company's policy even today, being consolidated last year due to the experience gained during the three decades of operation, both in the design process and the execution of unique orders.
THE TRADITION GOES FURTHER under the same guidance and careful supervision, supported by the experience of the four decades of activity of the coordinator of this designing activity, followed by the execution, manifested by the architect Mircea ȚIBULEAC and his close collaborators.
Currently, the company AXIS GRUP DESIGN has as main object of activity the design and execution of works and objects made of steel processed by different techniques specific to these types of works and, in particular, by the traditional method of HOT WROUGHT IRON.

Our activity is focused on three main directions as follows:
1. Construction elements (unique or small-scale orders) consisting of:
-Enclosing elements (doors, fence panels etc)
-Covers, sun - blinds
-Balustrades, parapets
-Sign boards
-Ornamental panels
2. Furniture (wrought iron) and ligthing fittings
3. Small ornamental items like
-different holders, legs etc.
-other ornamenthal items.

All works can be executed, starting the discussion from a unique custom piece being in the record of executed works. Upon request, the models proposed by the client can be adapted or we can design a completely new customized model, considering the new situation in the field or the originality of the client's aesthetic preferences.
In all three cases, the steps of the collaboration protocol are followed, which we apply without change. The first and most important step is DESIGN, the distinct phase that is paid in full advance after we agree with the client on the terms of a partnership which is the best solution he can choose and that brings most benefits to him.

Before describing the content of the complex design process, it is best to make two clarifications regarding the policy, after which we orient our steps together with the client in the partnership that we agree on:
- The old and outdated principle: "Our client is our master" is replaced by a collaboration with equal tasks and obligations on each side, doubled by mutual appreciation and consideration.
- The price of the product is set by the customer in its capacity of buyer. The collaboration does not start in any case with a request for quotation for a work or an object that does not exist. It will take shape in the design process, depending on the financial support that the client provides through the design theme.
The PROJECT contains within the elaboration process: on-site travel, measurements, survey, design theme with or without budget limits, consultation and ends with a technical project accompanied by an offer for its implementation.
After the approval of the estimate and the endorsement of the drawings by the partner/beneficiary, the second stage begins: EXECUTION OF THE WORK or OBJECT with or without assembly, depending on the desire of the partner/beneficiary, with which an execution contract is concluded.
Our WORKS fall into the category of unique or at most a small series.
Because of this, they give a great advantage that our customers fully benefit from, because we adapt very easily to the situation on the ground, to the budget provided and, finally, to the aesthetic preferences that they manifest. In order for the client to be able to take full advantage of these advantages, the sincerity towards the architect must be maximum, just as other liberal professions such as doctors or lawyers demand. The latter, in order to cure a patient or to defend the interests of a client, must not be treated with suspicion, as happens in most cases with an architect. The architect is thus trained in school and then the deontology of the profession trains him to guard and protect the interests of the client or the public interest, in terms of ensuring a superior quality of life.